Build a beautiful, lead-generating website to reflect your vision.

Yes, you still need a website. Your website is a live business plan in action. It’s your online storefront- where you bring customers away from all the noise of social media. Only on your website can your customer focus on the message that you control.
Let us lead you. Kick back to a cohesive, collaborative, and step-by-step web design process.
1 — Seek to Understand
Your vision, core values, story, unique process and value, ideal client. With inspiration, we’ll strategically plan your site.
2 — Get Organized
Outline and navigation of your to create a frictionless user experience. Pull relevant copy, images, video, articles, and other content together. (good time to declutter, too:-)
3 — Design & Development
Layout the pages, and select and edit images to go with your copy. Then we make sure all those buttons, links, forms, and user interactions work properly.
4 — The Launch
After a final draft review, we do a final test for quality assurance. Then we connect your domain, hit ‘publish’, and you’re live!
5 — Maintenance
Over the first 30 days, we’re on standby. After that, we’re here for web updates.
All design and technical - off your plate. So you can do what you do best. Ahh…
Features galore.
Each page has a strategic purpose. Your home page, service and product pages, team profiles, and landing pages. With drag and drop editing, you can easily add new pages as you grow . Plus, we sprinkle in a few bells and whistles that reflect your brand’s essence.
All the critical stuff that keeps your website safe. Your users can confidently enter contact info and make secure payments while you maintain your professional integrity. Technically speaking, we set up a privacy and cookies policy, site backup, and SSL hosting.
No beautiful website should be annoying to read on a phone. We adjust your site for mobile responsiveness. Make sure clients can call you instantly, fill out forms fast, and share your site with others - right from their mobile device.
You schedule online, make payments, show social media posts on your site, and subscribe to your email list, with the latest apps works seamlessly on your website.
Educate and inspire your audience with your thought leadership. We’ll set up your blog and format and publish up to 3 articles for starters.
We’ll put your website through our 15-point checklist so it’s oiled and ready to be found on search engines like Google.
Track what’s happening on your website. From the number of visits to forms completed and so much more, all integrated into your website.
Changed email address? Office hours? Weird glitch? We’ve got you covered. We troubleshoot all website issues over a 30-day rollout on all published pages.
We empower you to confidently make your own updates and add your own blog posts. Live 1:1 practice and video tutorials for you and your virtual assistant.
At Empassion Marketing, we make sure your ideal client can easily answer the single most important question when visiting your website: Can they truly help someone like me?
You’ll also love that we turn your website into a supercharged sales tool.
For best results, you will need to carve a minimal amount of time to review and approve along the way. But it is up to you how much to be directly involved. Do you love to write? Have an eye for design? Jump on board! We’re happy to extend our co-created process. Either way, there will be no surprises, only delight.
Happy to! Fees and timelines can vary widely among web designers and marketing agencies. That’s because many expect you to have your copywriting to be 100% organized, written, and ready before they start. Also, be aware that many design services provide generic templates that do not rank well in search engines.
Expect between 2-3 weeks to design and configure before going live. However, if you need help with brand strategy, copywriting, content organizing, or other content creation such a getting headshots or office pics (and most folks need help), then expect it to take as long as 3-4 months from “concept to live.”
Want the best of all worlds? A beautiful, custom website that doesn’t break down when you tinker with it, AND great customer support? Squarespace and Wix are ideal for the non-techie to make quick fixes in-house. These website builders continue to vastly improve. And new features are added all the time to give you all-in-one marketing solutions such as email marketing.
Most likely, your website has clutter, broken links, and old content that no one sees. Or it’s painfully slow to load or impossible to update. This affect your rank in search engines, not to mention, the rising cost to maintain it.
Don’t wait for your website to totally crash or get hacked. Websites are much easier to create and user-friendly than ever.
Contact us to see if it makes sense to create a new website.
Our Squarespace or Wix websites start at $2500. Pricing goes up for brand strategy, copywriting, custom image design, and some app integrations. You’ll also need to consider costs for headshots, hard-to-find stock images, subscriptions, domain, or hosting fees. Pricing plans are available upon request.